Notes of Meeting on 27th December 2020

The programme included:

  • Christians Awake!
  • Reading of Isaiah 9: 6 & 7
  • For unto us a child is born
  • Reading of John 1: 1 – 14
  • Jesus the friend of children
  • What child is this?
  • Silent night
  • In the bleak mid-winter
  • Talks by Brian and Ken on the subject of Gifts


Brian’s Talk

How was your Christmas? This year – a bit different – but we survived.

Ask a child what their Christmas was like – did Father Christmas come? – and they will most likely reel off a list of great and wonderful things they were fortunate enough to receive. “I got this from ……….. and this from   “

We might well do the same, although as we get older the things tend to become less interesting, so we don’t need to bore people with a list of things people have very kindly given us.

But how often I wonder do we hear a child say what they have given to anyone?

Probably because we don’t want to offend anyone, we certainly don’t go around broadcasting what we gave to various folk.

And yet as adults one of the greatest joys of Christmas is in GIVING, and seeing the joy which it brings.

I wonder sometimes - who gets the greater satisfaction – the giver or the receiver?

There’s no greater joy than to see and hear from a child who’s just opened up an amazing gift – their face lights up with joy – and usually with thankfulness to the person who gave it to them.

I remember one of our daughters saying “I didn’t ʼspect this!” as she opened up one particular present a good few years ago.

It really does make your day when a gift is received with so much joy – and it makes all the work and worry you put in to getting it for them seem well worthwhile.

The giver really does enjoy the moment as much as the receiver.

We read earlier one of the saddest commentaries on the coming of Christ – in John 1 v 11. “He came to that which was his own” – God’s gift to his own people, the Jews, God’s special chosen people – and what did they do? – they rejected him, they ultimately preferred to give life back to a thief, and to take away the life of the Son of God.

There are few things as sad as a rejected gift. We’ve all been through it – the months spent agonising over what on earth to give to a particular person – and when we give it to them they find a reason to reject it “it won’t fit – I don’t like it – it’s really not me – I’ve got 3 of them already” – and we feel so deflated.

Well, imagine just how God feels as people reject his gift to mankind – something they are sadly still choosing to do today.

Despite God’s best efforts to make Himself known to mankind, man has continued to think he knows better and can manage himself and his world without the Creator - not a sensible choice!

John goes on to remind us what God’s gift meant to those who received it, and of course what those who didn’t receive it missed out on – in accepting the gift they became part of God’s family – his children, able to call Him “Father”. What an amazing gift from God – that He is willing to accept us into his family, just as we are – no enrolment fee to pay up front, no list of things we must do to gain acceptance. All we have to do is to receive what He offers to us. We only need to come to him in repentance – acknowledging the errors of our ways, and accepting Him as Lord and Saviour of our lives from now on. And when we come to him, we know there is rejoicing in heaven as we accept the gift which he has offered.

Being part of God’s family also means that we get some further gifts from Him too. The gifts keep on coming – Christmas all over again!

John 3: 16 tells us that “whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life” – what a gift – what a promise to take hold of, particularly in the dark times of Covid-19, when sadly many lives are being lost worldwide. We can take encouragement too from the words of David in Psalm 23 “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me”. Yes, God has promised His eternal presence with us – He will never leave us or forsake us – we’ll never be on our own. What good news this is for so many people who are feeling downcast and lonely through the pandamic. As the hymn wrier says “”Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide: Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow”

But what else does God in His mercy give us?

John 10:10 reminds us that Jesus came to give us a great life – life to the full – a rich and satisfying life here and now. We’re not intended to be scratching around in the proverbial gutters of life, but to be living on a higher plane, because not only has He given us forgiveness, but He goes on pouring out His love into our hearts and lives day by day, enabling us to live satisfying lives as we seek His guidance as to how be his servants in the world.

But how can I possibly serve God acceptably in this dark world, we might say. It really is hard – no one else seems to wants to know.

Yes, I love the Lord and want to thank Him for His mercies to me. But what can I do to show my thankfuilness? I really do need help.

Well, God knows this, and the fourth gift Jesus has promised is perhaps the one we so often forget about, particularly when times are hard. That is of course the Holy Spirit, who Jesus has promised as a gift to all believers. He is not an optional extra, as some might suggest, but He is a gift to all true believers to enable them to honour and serve Him in their lives day by day. He’s described as the Comforter, and as the Counsellor, One who is there by our side each step of the way, just when we need Him most.

So very simply just 4 gifts that God gave – through the greatest gift of His one and only Son, He has given us : Salvation, eternal life, a great life here and now, and His precious Holy Spirit to guide and lead us.

Having received a good gift, what do we do? I was brought up to understand that my first responsibility was to write a thankyou letter - I never was any good at letter-writing, and am most thankful that God gave me a wife who could do it better than me! Well most of us pick up the phone, or send an email to acknowledge the presents people have given us. But how do we thank the Lord for His gifts to us? Is it something we do out of duty every few weeks, or is it very much part of our lives each day?

Worship and thanks to God should be as natural a day-by-day activity as eating or talking – the first verse of the hymn which Rachel and Lee had at their wedding a few weeks ago was “Take my life and let it be, Consecrate Lord to Thee; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise”. Yes, our right response is in our lives – are we sharing the love which God has shown to us to others, or are we sadly keeping it to ourselves? Let’s make praise and thankfulness a part of our normal routine for each day.

He has freely given us so much – what are we giving back to Him in response?

One final thought - we know that God loves to give good things to His children

Matt 7:11


If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Anyone feeling in need at this time – encouragement, sympathy, guidance, strength, peace – bring your needs to the Lord, and I believe He will keep His promises, and come alongside you right where you are. But we do need to ask Him! As scripture reminds us, we don’t have because we don’t ask. So let’s be more bold in our prayers, asking God for so much more which He will be longing to give to us if only we ask!


Next Sunday 3rd January  there will be the opportunity to look back on 2020, and for people to share any particular experiences that were a blessing to them. So join us either at Church or on Zoom as usual, and be prepared to say something if you wish.

Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.
1 John 4:20-21

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