Notes of Meeting Sunday 10th March 2024

Brian began the service with a Mothers Day thought, based on the 1 Corinthians 13 chapter on “Love”.

Worship led by Ken Cowell

Psalm 92 1. It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High.

Psalms 118. 1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures for ever.

Why should we give thanks to the Lord?   There are two reasons given in these verses.  Firstly, because it is a good thing to do.  It is one of the best things to do on a Sunday morning when we gather as a group of Christians.  Another reason to thank God is because He is a good God.  He is a good God not only because he does good but because he is good.  He always acts according to his character so he does things that are right, true and good.  He cannot do anything evil because he is good all the time.  So we are here this morning doing the good thing of giving thanks to a good God who deserves our praise and honour.

413     O Give Thanks to the Lord

732     God is so Good

 (In this song it tells us two good things he has done for us.  He has taken our sin away and he has set us free from them.)


YouTube The Goodness of God (Jehn Johnson) Lyrics (4;25)

Colossians 1.3-6.  We always thank God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4. because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and the love you have for all the saints -5 the faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven and that you have already heard about in the word of truth, the gospel.

If we could ask the apostle Paul what was one of his favourite words he would say “thanks” or “thanksgiving.”  He uses the words 195 times in 186 verses.  Paul likes to give thanks at the beginning of his letters to the churches.   Paul thanks God for hearing about the people who put their faith in Christ Jesus and were saved.  Paul himself didn’t preach to them but it was on of his friends.  He then thanks God for his work in them  now, where they have been given a wonderful love for all the believers in the church.  This shows the genuineness of of their faith.  Lastly, Paul thanks God for the wonderful hope that is waiting for them in heaven.  We too can thank God this morning for the day we trusted Christ and were saved.  Also for God’s present work in us in various ways through our new life in Christ.  Then for our glorious hope in heaven of spending eternity with Jesus.  Let’s thank God for that in our next song.

1015      Thank you for saving me


Colossians 3.17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Thanksgiving isn’t just for Sunday morning but should be part of my daily life in our words and deeds.  Not just in the big things but in everything.  In Japan Chris and I sang in a Gospel Choir. 

One of the songs we sang had words like this, “Who do you think woke me up this morning and started me on my way, Who do you think woke me up this morning and gave me another day?  It was Jesus!  We didn’t wake up this morning by chance or by our choice.  We woke up by God’s grace.  Today is a gift from God.  Our thanks should begin when we wake up and continue through the day.  We have so many material blessings in this country to be thankful for.   Our food, water, homes, families, health care freedom and safety and so many other things.  But also we have many spiritual blessings to be thankful for.  Forgiveness of sins, eternal life, peace with God, eternal hope, joy and fellowship with the Father, The Son and the Spirit.  We should be abounding with thanksgiving this morning.

1972 My heart is filled with thankfulness.


ALPHA Course – video and discussion as introduction to the subject of the Holy Spirit



  1. Our speaker at 10.15am next Sunday is Euan Menzies
  2. The Crawley Millenium Concert Band has their Springtime Serenade concert next Saturday 16th March at 7.00pm at Horley Methodist Church, Victoria Road.
  3. Please remember to take and complete the Questionnaire regarding Church Prayer Meetings.
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Galatians 5:16

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