Notes of meeting Sunday 19 November 2023

Worship led by Dawn Budd

Worry -a verb meaning to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems. Do you ever lie in bed in the middle of the night just worrying? I think we all do at one time or another.

 Corrie Ten Boom said “Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”

Peter 5 v 7 “Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you “

SING 89 Faithful one

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you that we are able to cast all our worries and anxieties on you. Thank you that you are always there for us, day or night, we can rely on you, to listen to our worries and our fears. Thank you that because of your love for us, we do not have to worry about our future, Amen

Jeremiah 29 v 11 “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope for the future

 Fortunately for us as God's children, we can simply talk to him about our problems and our worries.

Philippians 4 v 6 “ Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayers and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to the Lord”

“What will you receive in return for your anxious prayers? The exact opposite of worry: peace. Not just any ordinary kind of peace, but a deep shalom- the peace that contrasts with the life-stealing nature of worry. More than a lack of conflict, the shalom peace conveys the blessing that overflows when one lives in right relationship with God. The peace of God acts as a guardrail against the downward spiral of fear and fuels your life as an overcomer. You will never get rid of the what-ifs and the what-if-nots in your life, but when they come,you can rest assured that you do not meet them alone. God remains with you. Lift up prayers; offer up your gratitude; receive God's settling shalom” (taken from More Power To You by Margaret Feinberg

SING 221 I lift my eyes up

Dialogue between Me and God – by Becky Thompson

SING 1067 To be in your presence


Prayer Time

Please continue in praise and prayer for:

  • Jan gives thanks for prayers – she now has a date in early December for the scan on her throat and neck; thanks too for Peter, who is now much brighter
  • Many friends and families struggling with ongoing situations
  • Ted & Connie ask for prayers for Norma (on chemo), for John and Peter Caff, and for their neighbour Chris for a successful operation on Saturday
  • Kevin asks for prayer that the doctors will keep his cancer under control
  • Chris met the man from Gambia she had previously helped. A solicitor in Birmingham is helping him to sort out his immigration status. He said “Pray for me”.
  • Sue Clarke is still quite unwell, with sinus problems.
  • Rose says that Jonathan is slowly recovering from the incident early last week.


ALPHA (4) – video and discussion groups on the theme “ How can I have faith?”



  1. The 10.15am service next week, including Breaking of Bread, will be led by Lee Jerromes.
  2. Advance Notice from Horley Methodist Church for their annual Tree Festival

Friday 1st Dec 10am – 8pm, Saturday 2nd Dec 10am – 7pm,

Sunday 3rd Dec 12noon  – 6pm


Admission FREE – Donations to Welcare,

Father Christmas Friday & Saturday 10am-12noon & 2pm-4pm


10am Langshott Primary, 11am Meath Green Junior, 2pm Yattendon Primary



2pm Star Steppers, 3.30pm Rewind Windband and A2Z Flute Choir



2pm and 4pm Harpist Margaret Watson, 3.30pm Penny on the organ


Christmas Café Open until 7pm Friday, 6pm Saturday, 5.30pm Sunday

Bacon rolls Saturday 10-2pm

Lunches Friday 12–1pm and Saturday 12-2pm,

Sunday lunch 12-2pm jacket potatoes with choice of fillings 
The festival ends with a community carol service at 6pm on Sunday,featuring Harpist Margaret Watson, & Horley Infant School Choir

Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.
Proverbs 21:21

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