Notes of Meeting Sunday 2 April 2023

Worship led by Ken Cowell

Isaiah 43.1 But now, this is what the Lord says-----he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel:  Fear not I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name you are mine.

There’s a TV commercial about cosmetic products.  At the end it shows a range of hairsprays then a woman appears and says “You are worth it.”  Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are worth it particularly after a failure when you feel disappointed and discouraged.  These words were spoken to Israel when they were slaves in Babylon because of their rebellion and disobedience to God.   They probably felt worthless, downhearted, and of no value to God.  Maybe last week was a hard one and that’s how you feel this morning.  God didn’t send a bottle of perfume to cheer them up but encouraged them by his powerful and comforting words.  He reminded them that He created them.  Their existence didn’t just happen.  They were the final masterpiece of his great creation being fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s own image.  Our creation amongst all that God has made shouts out “That we are worth it,” even with our faults and failures.  For his creation of the world and especially of us He is worthy of our praise. Let’s praise him with two songs about his creation.

645     All creatures of our God and King

208     If I were a butterfly, I’d thank you Lord for giving me wings

This song describes how animals might express their thanks to him for their creation. The last line of each verse describes our response to him.  I just thank you Father for making me. When God created you it wasn’t mass production like a car on an assembly line.  You are “one of a kind.” which has the meaning of “a product or service that is the only one of its type.”  You are unique and special and God wants you to know and remember that.  So thank God this morning for making you “me”.


This verse goes on to say that they were redeemed.  They were to think of the time when they were set free from the angel of death by the blood of the lamb sprinkled on the door.  Our redemption is far greater.  We were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God when he took away our sin on the cross.  We are not only redeemed but we have a Redeemer who rose again and is alive today.  We must be worth a lot for the Lamb of God to die for us.

1324    I know he rescued my soul

Not only were Israel created and redeemed but they were called by name to be God’s own children.  We are here today because God called us.  We didn’t seek God but He sought us.  We called not because we were good but through God’s grace that was greater than our sin.  It’s a miracle of grace that we ever became God’s children.

229     I’m accepted, I’m forgiven

Isaiah 43. 2-4

2.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.

3. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Sheba in your stead.

4. Since you are precious and honoured in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life.


In these verses God reminds Israel that He is with them even in Babylon.  He will protect them through all the trials and suffering they go through.  He says they are precious in his sight because He loves them.  That all applies to us too.  I trust we know and feel we are worth it this morning.

1030    The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want

Breaking of Bread – led by Brian Legg

As we’ve been reminded, today is Palm Sunday, when the church looks back to Jesus last entry into Jerusalem, just 1 week before his crucifixion.

He was welcomed by many, but his arrival also set in motion the events which were to lead to his death. A death which he had repeatedly spoken about to his disciples – that he must die and then rise again on the third day. The disciples it seems didn’t hear the last part  - or it went in one ear and out the other.

The idea of Jesus’ impending suffering was again something they couldn’t come to terms with, but they were well aware of the growing animosity towards Jesus by some of the ruling authorities. Jesus was gaining too many followers for their liking, and they were therefore seeking any opportunity to discredit him.

So they approached Jerusalem with mixed feelings.

Jesus was of course to fulfil what was spoken of some 700 years earlier by Isaiah. (53: 5 – 6).

Before that he was to institute what we call “The Lord’s supper”, as he met with his disciples in that upper room.

Mark 14: 22 – 24.

Wounded for me, wounded for me.

There on the cross he was wounded for me.

Gone my transgressions and now I am free

All because Jesus was wounded for me.


Brief Notes about Brian Mills message

This being Palm Sunday, our focus is very much on Jesus entry into Jerusalem. Brian picked up on the earlier theme of us being unique individuals.

He was able to describe to us some of the areas of Jerusalem that he has visited on a number of occasions. He explained something of the current situation in modern-day Israel, where the city is shared by Jewish, Muslim, and Christian followers. He shared his experiences of walking the road  through the mount of Olives up to Jerusalem, and of time spent at the site of the Garden Tomb.

Two Scripture Readings - John 12. v.12-19 and Matthew 21.10-16, relating to the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, and the welcome he was given by the people.

We sang the song “Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest", and Brian challenged us as to whether we had truly welcomed Jesus into our lives, as Saviour and Lord.

Another reading - Luke 19.37-44, where the crowd acknowledged Jesus for all the miracles he had performed.

Brian went on to share about the many Muslims being converted to Christianity, in particular speaking about large numbers of children praying together.


Closing Song: "Who can sound the depth of sorrow"  - this appeals to God as a loving Father to have mercy upon our un-deserving nation.




  1. Good Friday – C4H joint service at 10.30am at St Bartholomew’s, Church Road
  2. Easter DaySunrise Service at 6.30am in Horley Rec – breakfast will be available for purchase after the service at the Café.
  3. Easter Day 10.15am Easter Celebration at Lee Street Church.
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Galatians 5:16

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