Notes of Meeting Sunday 26 March 2023

Worship – led by Brian Legg

Hebrews 4:16 “Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

How do we come into God’s presence?

SONG: Come, let us worship the King of kings         1203   

We’ve invited the Lord to “come and fill this place with His glory”. The glory which filled the temple which king David had built in the Lord’s honour, the glory which John saw and speaks about in Revelation. The wonder of His being. Rev 4:11 “You are worthy our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being”.

Psalm 104: 1 & 2 “Praise the Lord, O my soul. O lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendour and majesty. He wraps himself in light as with a garment.”.

SONG: The splendour of the King     2065

Name above all names – worthy of our praise. This is the God we worship.

SONG: Majesty, worship His majesty – unto Jesus be honour, glory and praise.  379

But our God is not remote – in fact He is right here amongst us – He has made Himself  known to us by showing us His mighty love.

SONG: My Jesus, my Saviour 935

My comfort – my shelter – my tower of refuge and strength – through whatever storms we are passing right now. No one compares to Jesus – He alone is our strength and our keeper.

Psalm 36: 5 – 9

SONG: How precious O Lord  is Your unfailing love 193

“you give them drink from your river of delights”. Remember the call of Jesus, recorded by John in his gospel John 7: 37 – 39  (read).

If we need refreshment ourselves, if we want to refresh others, we need first to come to His river.

SONG: Cause me to come to Thy river O Lord         56

Breaking of Bread – led by Ken Cowell

Daniel 9. 7. Lord you are righteous …..

8. O Lord, we and our kings, our princes and our fathers are covered with shame because we have sinned against you.

9. The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving even though we have rebelled against him.

18.  “We do not make requests of you because we are righteous but because of your great mercy.

19. O Lord hear and act!  For your sake, O my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name,”

Ephesians 1. 7.  In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins  in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.

The above words are from a prayer of Daniel.  He was in exile in Babylon along with many other Jews those who have been taken there from Israel.  Daniel knew that it was his sin that of the nation had caused them to be exiled there.  His prayer is one of confession of the sins committed by everyone in the nation from kings to the ordinary people.  Their sins are that of rebellion against God, disobedience to His commands and refusal to listen to the words of the prophets.  These sins were not just isolated incidents but had been committed over many generations.  As we consider the sins we have committed in thought, words and deeds over many years we can identify with Daniel in the shame and hopelessness he felt before God.  Because the Lord is righteous and they have nothing to say in their defence, judgement is the only logical conclusion.  But Daniel also remembered that God was not only righteous but had great mercy and mercy from God was the only way to forgiveness..  The idea of mercy in the Bible is God’s compassion and demonstrated in not giving the sinner the judgement he deserves but extending forgiveness in its place.  Mercy is not just a feeling of pity but an act demonstrating love to forgive.  Daniel prays for God to act.  “O Lord hear and act!  Forgiveness for Daniel includes freedom and deliverance from Babylon and a return to Jerusalem.  Their return to Jerusalem from Babylon was a miracle that only could be done by God.  The mercy from God that brought forgiveness to us was also accompanied by a miraculous demonstration of love and power.  As we read, “In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins in accordance with riches of God’s grace.”  Grace on its own could not give forgiveness it needed also the redemptive work of Christ to do that.  But also there would be no saving work of Christ without the grace of God that motivated it. This morning we have forgiveness according to God’s mercy and grace and by the sacrifice of Jesus when he shed his blood for us on the cross.  We are here once again to remember the wonder of God’s grace and to boast in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Euan’s Message

Read Psalm 116                                          DO YOU & I SPEAK TO GOD REGULARLY?


Throughout day, once every day, just on Sunday => 1 in 5 people in UK do

Some - very real, meaningful       Others less sure there is even a god - habit, superstition - insurance policy


Pray for - help, comfort; for family, health, friends.

% praying increases when personal crisis/tragedy/worry - nowhere else to turn Plane down/lonely at home


Thanks for - physical blessings, spiritual truths about God Himself & feelings of presence/strength.

Or is envy, materialism, obsession with self, cynicism - barriers to being grateful to God.


Speaking to God - answers human longing to experience mystery & love of God.


Psalm 116

  • 1 in group of Psalms 113-118 – Praise songs – sung at major Jewish festivals especially Passover.
  • Possible Jesus & disciples sang it at Last Supper - Easter


  • v15 well known - often quoted at funerals Precious in sight of Lord is death of his saints.

=> BUT is song for living – written from perspective of individual delivered from v. dire situation.


  • Writer? Not told. King David? – many scrapes/enemies/psalms.  King Hezekiah? – illness - Is38
  • Very intimate/personal – I, my, me x30
  • Very vivid – rollercoaster - experiences of peril mixed with expressions of praise - trouble/thanks.


Caught my attention was phrase repeated 3x - calling on name of the Lord - see v4, 13, 17 & v2 call on Him.

2x in context of pleading/crying out for help in danger - ‘looking ahead’?

2x in context of thanking/praising - ‘looking back’?


I have been thinking about this a lot since beg. of year

 i) what it means to call upon God - persistence, conviction, true dependence

ii) how vital - when tried everything else/fix things ourselves/all seems hopeless => turn to God

  • when things go well - thankful/grateful/appreciative => turn to God
  • when busy - eg Luther - so busy, that if did not spend 3 hours/day in prayer, not get thru day
  • FOUNDATION of all we might do - God’s appointed way for His people to live


In context of LJC visiting temple/Father’s house -  “house of prayer” - why house of prayer??

- not house of singing/preaching/serving/fellowship - good! BUT importance of communicating with  God.

Why calling on the NAME of the Lord?


Name denotes

- relationship - God is a person - wants to be known intimately - not known about BUT known personally

- character - God has many names - love, justice, power, infinity, goodness - He is One being called upon

- authority - God is ready, able & willing to answer & act

The LORD -


Ps 116

Writer has been in crisis situation - life hanging in balance & death seems inevitable.

v3 entangled in cords of death, anguish of grave come over him - extreme distress & sorrow.

v8 life almost extinguished, tears in eyes, one slip of feet - gone - so close - BUT GOD intervened.


Panicking? Paralyzed by fear? Don’t know - v. serious situation of great magnitude & intensity

Calls on name of the Lord - heartfelt & desperate cry - feeling of helplessness/hopeless BUT GOD delivered


Why I love the Psalms - vivid, realistic, emotional - stamp of authenticity - I can see myself in them.

You & I? Even strongest characters/many abilities/ successful lives - can identify with writer at times.


May have heard something like - "You are either going into crisis, in middle of crisis, or coming out of crisis."

Common theme in different areas of life - acknowledges challenges/difficulties are inevitable part of human experience BUT with God never alone.


Come with me & writer on a spiritual journey of discovery.


See in v1-11 What God does when he calls on the name of the Lord.


v1-4 God hears

-heard writers voice, heard his cry/pleas for mercy/prayers for deliverance

-God not just heard but listened – inclined ear toward, bent down, gave attention – purposeful intent

-No surprise writer intends to call on Lord as long as he lives – God hears!

-Mother & child playing in park – fall, cry for help, mother on hand, always alert to slightest sound


-Reminder: God hears us too when we call – neither slumbers nor sleeps – ever watchful

-The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth – ever present

-The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and his ears toward their cry – ever ready


Eloquent or not – He hears.  Few words or many – He hears.   Morning, noon, night – He hears.

Lying on bed, sitting in chair, working in kitchen, walking in street, driving in car – He hears

However we call, whenever we call, wherever we call – God hears…indeed delights to listen to us


v5-6 God acts

-testimony of writer is that God

  • saved him, delivered him, rescued him, protected him, preserved him from death itself when he called on name of Lord – nobody can take experience away from him.
  • has acted in accordance with His character v5 – gracious – shows undeserved favour, righteous –does what is right, fairness about his justice, full of mercy – compassion.
  • v8 has dealt bountifully - generosity & goodness.


Jonah – runs away from God, thrown overboard ship, swallowed by great fish =>prays, heard, spat out on shore – “Salvation belongs/comes from the Lord


Reminder: God acts when we call on him - granted he chooses the timing - perfect anyway - but He acts in line with his character – good, generous, compassionate, fair, gracious

Many attest - God is at work in their lives – deep peril/ordinary day to day – after called on name of Lord

-safety while travelling, healing of relationships, provision for financial needs, restoration after illness, guidance/wisdom when lost & directionless


v7-11 God satisfies 

-writer can tell his soul to be at rest – God has done everything he needed

- no need to panic/worry/lack assurance – God has done it all

-acknowledges nothing he could do himself/end of his resources/no answers to predicament

-found no help from others – found them to be lairs or anything else

-BUT God stepped right into his circumstances & transforms everything – body, mind, soul – at peace


Reminder: Bible uses food & drink language to show how God satisfies

Ps 107 - he satisfies the thirsty & fills the hungry with good things.

Jesus said I am the bread of life - satisfy hunger of soul; 'Let anyone who is thirsty come to me &drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.


v12-19 What the writer does in response

  • v2 Call on the name of the Lord as long as he lives – lifelong pursuit/lifestyle – not one off, not quickly forgotten – change how he lives.


  • v12 What shall I do in return/render/give back to the Lord – give honour.


Giving thanks

He carries on calling on name of Lord – in other sense of phrase – thanks, praise, worship.

v1 Writer began with expression of love – I love the Lord because He heard.

v13 – raising cup of salvation – either part of Jewish worship rite or metaphoric for celebrating salvation

FA cup – winning team – captain raises cup/trophy aloft – triumph.

v17 - sacrificing a thank offering – either part of Jewish worship or metaphoric for giving back to God something that costs – appreciation/gratitude.



v14,18x writer says I will fulfil my vows.

  • follow up words with action – obeying.
  • speaks of life lived walking before Lord.
  • keeping his commitments – following God’s way



v16 writer reminds himself he is a servant (child of a servant)

  • loosed from snares, chains, bonds of death – happy to take up servants role – different restrictions
  • dedicating himself to God’s service (cf bonds of v3)


Reminder: Calling on name of the Lord – also includes our grateful response to God

  • not Sunday morning only, not just song, not just when others around – regular, personal response
  • lifestyle of obeying God & serving God means our thankfulness – not juts words, but whole lives


Thru Bible – people called on name of Lord


1st mention in Gen 4 early generations after Adam & Eve - people began to call upon the name of the Lord

Why – civilisation advancing, but sin spreading too esp Lamech descendant of Cain – revenge.

Prayer for help? Or worship? Clue in name of Seth’s son Enosh - mortal


Abraham – father of faith – called on name of the Lord – left home/family travelled to unknown country

Why -thankfulness, protection, guidance


Prophet Joel speaks of the Day of the Lord – God’s future judgement on all people – blessing/punishment.

God’s promise - that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved


After Christ’s death & resurrection, Peter uses same words – first ever Christian sermon – appeals to people to recognise Jesus for who He really is, God’s Son, Saviour of sinners, Lord to whom all should surrender lives. 


Paul in writing letter to church in Rome also uses same words in explaining the good news of Chriet.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved


Some this morning – never called on name of Lord – for forgiveness of sin – promise of salvation.


Words of Isaiah:  Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.





  1. Thursday  10.30 am at HBC – last Lent Course meeting.
  2. Speaker expected next Sunday is Brian Mills.
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Galatians 5:16

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