Notes of Meeting Sunday 31st March 2024

Worship led by Sue Clarke

1 Peter 1 v3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

This verse describes how incredibly God has blessed us in Christ. Because Jesus has risen from the dead, our hope is not a wish—it is as alive as He is.

All heaven declares  10

In its simplest form, the Easter message is one of new life and hope. When Jesus dies, which we remembered on Good Friday, hope seemed lost for his followers. Jesus was promised to be “the hope of the world”

Matthew 12 v21 “And his name will be the hope of all the world.”


But he was hung on a cross and buried in a grave.

Easter is a message of hope because the cross was not the end. Not only did Jesus die for our sins, but He rose again, defeating sin and death for all time. I love this quote about Easter and hope: “Easter was when Hope in person surprised the whole world by coming forward from the future into the present.”

Easter is the cornerstone of the Christian faith.

Come people of the risen King  2249

Prayer: Lord Jesus we praise You that we can worship You not simply as the crucified Christ, but as our risen Lord and Saviour. We praise You for this time of thanksgiving and celebration, a time that speaks of victory, renewal and hope. We thank You for the great message of Easter and the wonderful truth of new life in You. Amen.

1 Peter 1 v3-5  Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,  and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you,  who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.”


The apostle Peter opens his letter with words of praise for God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, reminding readers that salvation is a gift of God’s mercy.

We have the gift of life, which is possible, thanks to the resurrection.

John 3 v16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”


1 Peter 1 v3 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

Peter states that believers are given “a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

The resurrection of Jesus shows us that death isn’t the end. There is a life after the one we live now. His resurrection guarantees yours and mine!


Jesus's resurrection is the basis of Christian hope. Because Jesus rose from the dead, we have hope that death will be finally defeated. We have hope we will be fully redeemed. We have hope that there is a new creation coming.


Psalm 23 v6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever”


There is a redeemer  544


Luke 24 v1-8 “On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb,  but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.  While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them.  In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee:  ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ”  Then they remembered his words.


He has risen  753


Revelation 5 v13 “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour and glory and power,for ever and ever!”


Crown Him with many crowns  77


The Easter story- poem



The Easter story never grows old.
It's the message of hope for us all.
It shows the depth of the father's love
and how Jesus answered the call.

Hopelessly lost, in bondage to sin
was the condition of fallen man.
There was no one to pay the debt,
but God brought forth a master plan.

Such love was not known to man.
None had made such great sacrifice.
Who else would give his own son
and watch as the son give his life?

Oh, the love the Father did show
by offering Jesus to die on the cross,
to bring redemption to fallen man,
who was painfully, hopelessly lost.

Jesus came from heaven to die,
so they nailed him to the cross.
God accepted his death as payment,
for extremely high was sin's cost.

God raised Jesus from the grave,
and forever our Lord is alive.
The resurrection gives hope to us all
that in Christ, we can have eternal life.



Lenora McWhorter. "Resurrection Hope." Family Friend Poems, April 12, 2022.


The resurrection amounts to the Father's clear signal that Jesus is the powerful Son of God who has conquered death and reigns as Lord of all.


Romans 1 v4 Who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Romans  4v25  “He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”


The resurrection demonstrates that Jesus’ blood of the new covenant saves His people from their sins.


Isaiah 53 v5 “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”

Philippians 2 v9 “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name.”


You laid aside  633


Ken’s Talk

The Importance of Christ’s Resurrection

Matthew 16. 21, Matthew 28. 5-6, John. 20.19-20,  John 14.19

Although the Bible was written over 2,000 years ago, it is still the world’s best seller.  There are several reasons why this is.  The Bible answers the most important questions of life.  Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going to end?  It doesn’t deal only with the things of this life on earth but also of things after we die.  It shows us the importance of spiritual things which are eternal as in contrast to material things which are only temporal lasting a short time.  It also speaks of matters that mankind is searching for such as love, truth, happiness, satisfaction, peace, hope, joy, righteousness and forgiveness.  But one vital question remains. Can the Bible be relied upon?  Can I trust that the Bible is true?

One way the Bible can help to answer this question is the unique content of its prophesies.  It contains over 2500 prophecies.  But you might say anyone can make a prophesy but it is only valid if the prophecy comes true.  Of the 2500 prophecies in the Bible as many as 2000 have already been fulfilled, with about 500 yet to be fulfilled in the future.  Fulfilled prophecy proves to us that the Bible can be relied upon and is trustworthy.  Today as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ it is worth noting that this most important event in the history of the world was predicted before it took place.

The Amazing Prediction of the Resurrection of Jesus. (Matthew 16.21)

This most astounding prediction comes from the lips of Jesus.  We just read that Jesus explained to the disciples that he was about to suffer and be killed.  But Jesus goes on to say “he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.”  That was the most important of all the predictions of the resurrection.  Was it a slip of the tongue on Jesus’ part?  No one before had predicted his own resurrection from the dead.  Had Jesus made a mistake?  It appears not for he told his disciples that he would rise from the dead three times before he went to the cross.  He had said so many wonderful words till now.  If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead he would be known as a liar and that would mean there would be no Christianity at all!  The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of the Christian faith.

As Jesus predicted, he was betrayed, arrested, found guilty, beaten, flogged, mocked,  died on the cross and was buried.  So his words were fulfilled on all those events.  But the really difficult part was the prediction about his rising from the dead.  None of his followers even believed that could happen.  Early on the Sunday morning some of the women went to anoint his body.  There were expecting just to see a corpse.  However, what happened?

The Authoritative Proclamation of the Resurrection of Jesus. (Matthew 28.6)

As the women  approached the tomb an angel approached them with these astounding words. “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” (Matthew 28.6)  What is the definition of a “proclamation”  It is “the public and official announcement of an important matter.” 

One of the most important proclamations was the Abolition of slavery in Britain by William Wilberforce and in America by Abraham Lincoln. 

Those proclamations have brought freedom from slavery to millions of people.  What has been the impact of this resurrection proclamation made by the angel?  It affects every person who has ever  sinned needs forgiveness and be set free from sin’s guilt and judgement.  The resurrection of Jesus is the proof that the death of Jesus on the cross for our sins has secured our salvation.  We are told clearly in 1. Corinthians 15.17 that if Christ has not been raised our faith is useless and we are still in our sins.  The resurrection of Jesus secures our eternal destiny for through faith in the risen Christ we are given eternal life and will be with him forever in heaven after death.  The proclamation of the Abolition of Slavery had the authority of the British and American governments so it became law for everyone. This proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus was given by the angel as God’s representative so it had the authority of God himself.  God’s declaration to us is that it is only through faith in the risen Jesus is salvation from sin’s punishment is possible.

The proclamation wasn’t just that the tomb was empty showing that Jesus wasn’t just there, for that could be open to the claim that his body was stolen.  One popular view at that time was that the body of Jesus was stolen by the disciples.  They couldn’t steal it because it wasn’t there!  The answer is clear with God’s stamp of authority “He is risen.”  Also to show that his Jesus resurrection was not to be a surprise the angel adds those important words, “just as he said.”  Jesus didn’t tell the disciples just once that he would rise from the dead but at least three times.  The main reason we should believe Jesus rose from the dead isn’t just because of all the external circumstantial evidence but because he said he would rise from the dead.  Salvation comes to us when we simple believe and trust the words of Jesus.  It is not a matter of understanding all that Jesus says, but trusting him even when we can’t fully understand.  Jesus didn’t expect them to understand how he would be raised from the dead but expected them to believe what he said.  There are many times in our Christian lives when we can’t understand God’s ways or God’s work.  His command to us is not walk by the sight of our own understanding but by faith in his word.

Even with the proclamation of such a wonderful event by the angel there had to be more proof to assure the disciples that Jesus was truly alive and it came that very night.  The eleven were together in a locked room for fear of the Jews. The women had told the disciples of their experience that morning of meeting Jesus in the garden, but the disciples didn’t believed them.  The disciples were confused and they couldn’t believe that Jesus could have risen after such terrible suffering he endured on the cross.  The proclamation of the angel wasn’t enough they wanted personal proof for themselves.

The Authentic Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus. (John 20.19-20)

The disciples never expected such amazing evidence they were to receive.  But it came in a miraculous way, “with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said “Peace be with you!  After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.”  They were completely startled as Jesus suddenly appeared before them without a knock on the door and even without the door being opened.  He used the customary greeting of peace but after that it was all new.  What greater proof could he give them than by speaking to them and showing them his hands and side. 

The last time they saw his hands and side they were scared, bloody and a gruesome sight.  But now those wounds were part of his glorified body which caused them no fear at all.  They needed no further proof of his resurrection.  They met him, heard him speak to them and saw his wounds.  They could only respond with ecstatic joy. Whilst the angel’s proclamation confirmed his resurrection their experience of meeting, listening, talking and seeing him was their greatest proof.  The eyewitness of over 500 believers was to be the motivation for witnessing about him to all.  When Peter and John were commanded not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus by the Jewish leaders their simple defence was, “we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” (Acts 4.20)  Their personal experience of this new relationship with Jesus through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit also became the power for their witnessing to others of his resurrection, from which the church grew rapidly.

We may ask but what about our generation?  We have no eyewitness testimony of meeting Jesus so are we not at a great disadvantage?  However, that isn’t the view of Jesus for after talking to Thomas who had believed because he saw Jesus says to him these amazing words, “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John.20.29)  Jesus is saying that Thomas missed that blessing because he did see Jesus instead of believing without seeing.  This shows us that those who believe without seeing are especially blessed.  There couldn’t have been more than 600 hundred believers who saw Jesus risen from the dead yet the rapid growth of the church came through believers who never saw the risen Christ.  Also Jesus said it would be far better for his followers when he went back to heaven and the Holy Spirit came to live in them.  So believers are more effective today in witnessing when Jesus is in heaven working through us by the Holy Spirit’s power in us.

The Wonderful Purpose of the Resurrection of Jesus. (John 14.19)

Whilst the resurrection of Jesus is the most important historical event that has ever happened in the world, it also has a great significance on our present Christian life.  It has become the very essence of our Christian life.  Being a Christian is not following a religion but having an intimate relationship with our risen Lord. Our life is united with him.  As Jesus says “I am the vine and you are the branches.”  We share the same life as he has.  We are in Christ and he is in us. The key to living a victorious Christian is not by our power but his power that is within us.  Jesus himself says, “apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15.5)  Our part is “to live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2, 20)

This verse also points to our future resurrection.  Because of his resurrection with a new glorious body when Jesus returns to earth “our lowly bodies will be transformed into a glorious body like his.” (Philippians 3. 20-21)  Because he lives we shall live with him for all eternity.

Sue’s closing thoughts


1 Corinthians 6 v14

By His power, God raised the Lord from the dead, and He will raise us also.


We are here today, secure in the knowledge that we have been redeemed, through the amazing grace and unfailing love of our Saviour.


We praise You for the wonder of Easter- this day of celebration, wonder and thanksgiving- a day that changes the way we think, that changes the way we act, that changes the way we live, that changes everything.

We rejoice in the victory of Christ, His triumph over evil, hatred, despair and even death itself.

We thank you that we can say these words: “I know He rescued my soul, His blood has covered my sin. My shame He’s taken away, my pain is healed in His name. I know my Redeemer lives!”

Living God we praise You for the victory You have won, for the assurance You give through Christ that there is nothing in life or death that can separate us from Your love; nothing that can finally defeat your loving purpose for ourselves and all mankind.

Thine be the glory  551




  1. Next Saturday 6th April – church cleaning morning – 8.30am onwards
  2. Next Sunday – open worship and Breaking of Bread
  3. Advance notice – funeral for Gordon Baker is at 12 noon at Brockham on 9th April.
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Galatians 5:16

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