Online Meeting Sunday 31st May 2020

Lee Street Church

Notes of on-line meeting held on 31st May 2020

We welcomed about 24 people on-line, including our guest speaker Ian Hancock.

Brian led the worship time.

Psalm 95 v 1-2 “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song”.

As “people of the risen King” we are all called to Rejoice in whatever circumstances we find ourselves.

Come, people of the Risen King,
Who delight to bring Him praise;
Come all and tune your hearts to sing
To the Morning Star of grace.
From the shifting shadows of the earth
We will lift our eyes to Him,
Where steady arms of mercy reach
To gather children in.

Rejoice, Rejoice! Let every tongue rejoice!
One heart, one voice; O Church of Christ, rejoice!

Come, those whose joy is morning sun,
And those weeping through the night;
Come, those who tell of battles won,
And those struggling in the fight.
For His perfect love will never change,
And His mercies never cease,
But follow us through all our days
With the certain hope of peace.

Come, young and old from every land

Men and women of the faith;
Come, those with full or empty hands -
Find the riches of His grace.
Over all the world, His people sing -
Shore to shore we hear them call
The Truth that cries through every age:
"Our God is all in all"!

Rejoice, Rejoice! Let every tongue rejoice!
One heart, one voice; O Church of Christ, rejoice!


Words and Music by Keith and Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend

Copyright © 2008 Thankyou Music/ Copyright Control


Today is Pentecost Sunday (used to be called Whitsun – with a Bank Holiday thrown in) – the real Birthday of the Church


READ Acts 2 v 1 – 12


The apostles and many believers were gathering together, as was their custom on the Sabbath, in the courts of the temple at Jerusalem. With the sound of a violent wind, and with tongues of fire landing on each of them, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began speaking in other tongues, as enabled by the Holy Spirit. Onlookers from many nations were amazed, as they listened to preaching by these Galileans in their own native languages.

Peter had to explain what had happened – the Holy Spirit whom Jesus had promised had now come upon them, in accordance with the Old Testament prophesy by Joel.

Having spoken clearly about the death and resurrection of Jesus, he told them of their need to repent, to be baptised, and to receive the Holy Spirit whom Jesus had promised for all believers.

We often get “fired up” to do something – gardening, cleaning, playing a favourite sport; but have we allowed the Holy Spirit to fire us up to serve the Lord?

Maybe we’ve not yet received God’s gift – perhaps we’re not sure what He will want us to do. The next 2 songs are hopefully our response to the Holy Spirit today.


Holy Spirit how I love you

Holy Spirit, how I love you,
Holy Spirit flood my soul.
Holy Spirit take me over,
Holy Spirit lead me on.

You’re the Strength that helps me in my weakness,
You’re the Friend who comes to walk beside,
You’re the Peace that passes understanding
As You reign in my life.

Holy Spirit we welcome You

Holy spirit, we welcome you
Holy spirit, we welcome you

Move amongst us with holy fire
as we lay aside all earthly desire
hands reach out and hearts aspire
holy spirit, holy spirit, holy spirit, we welcome you

Holy spirit, we welcome you
Holy spirit, we welcome you

Let the breeze of your presence blow,
that your children here might truly know
How to move in the spirit’s flow.
Holy spirit, holy spirit, holy spirit, we welcome you

Please accomplish in me today
some new work of loving grace i pray
unreservedly have your way
Holy spirit holy spirit
Holy spirit we welcome you


Praise and Prayer items shared this week included:

  • Pray for protection over the Playgroup – staff and children – as the Group re-opens tomorrow (Monday).

  • Paul asked that we pray for the situation in USA – for wise leadership and justice in the nation.


Ian’s Message

Subject: Lockdown

Something we knew little about until 2 months ago – in the UK it is primarily here for our protection. It does however have a number of side effects.

Positive ones – improved environment due to less vehicles and planes, clearer sky, more opportunities to walk etc.

Negative ones – frustrations, particularly in not being able to meet friends and family. (The last similar curfews were back during World War 2)

Ian reminded us of the situation that Joseph experienced (ref. Genesis ch. 39) when he was unjustly imprisoned. But we read (v.20) “..while Joseph was there in prison, the Lord was with him.” Joseph went on later to be a top man in Pharaoh’s government.

Ian’s key verses were in Acts 28: vs 16 & 30/31

V16: “When we got to Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself, with a soldier to guard him”

V30 & 31: “For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. Boldly and without hinderance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ”.

He made amazing use of his time in lockdown. He

  • Preached the gospel

  • Taught

  • Welcomed visitors

  • Wrote a number of letters – to the churches in Ephesus, Philippi, Colosse.

  • Witnessed to his Roman guards

Paul had previously been in prison with Silas in Philippi (see Acts 16: 22 – 34). Is spite of having been flogged and mis-treated by angry crowds, while in prison they:

  • Payed

  • Sang hymns

  • Shared the good news of Jesus with their jailers

  • Baptised believers

What is our response to lockdown? We should be positive, and make good use of opportunities to:

  • Be good neighbours

  • Show concern for others in practical ways

  • Perhaps make contact by phone with folk we don’t normally talk to

  • Maybe learn some new skills



31 May 2020


Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.
Proverbs 21:21

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